Dental Implants

Same day dental implant

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Dental Implants in Dubai

If we talk about the things that represent your personality, teeth will always be mentioned, as everyone wants to leave a good impression with their smiling face. But missing tooth is something that can be a hurdle for you to function well, socially. While, it can also lead to further issues, it is always advisable to replace the missing tooth.

Dental implants are made of materials which are stain-resistant and are put together with natural-looking crowns which provide a younger look.

Why Choose KMC as Your Dental Implants clinic Dubai?

  • The best dental implant clinic in Dubai
  • Free consultation and awareness regarding the procedure
  • 3D CT Scan for accurate results
  • The same-day dental implant procedure
  • Highest Score rate in Dubai
  • Digital scan of your crooked tooth


What is Dental Tooth Implant?

A tooth implant, also known as the dental implant is an artificial tooth root screwed to the bone ofyour jaw. The implant procedure includes a small surgery where the old tooth is replaced by the titanium base of the implant. The material used can be removable or fixed dentures as per your requirement. Over time the jawbone fuses to the implant area, providing you a permanent replacement for your original tooth. The procedure is performed by trained and experienced toothimplant dentists.

Reasons to Consider Dental Implants in Dubai

  • To replace the old tooth
  • Support and stability for your original tooth
  • Enhance the chewing efficiency
  • To improve aesthetic appearance while talking, smiling and eating
  • To eliminate discomfort and pain of inconvenient tooth
  • To improve the overall tooth cleaning
  • To eliminate the need for distasteful adhesives

Dental Implant Procedure

Initially, dental implant surgery starts with surgically putting the implant in your jawbone. The dental implant is actually used to replace the tooth root and which takes time to heal. Furthermore, the attachment of the bone with the implant occurs during the recovery period that usually takes from 3 to 6 months. After that, when the abutment is joined; the abutment joins the implant to the prosthetic tooth and is actually acts like a bridge that crosses the gum line, permitting the implant to remain buried. After that, just like dental implant, abutment also requires recovery period after it is attached. At last, the nearby gum must be recovered before the crown is puton. While, at the last after the implant and abutment get fully appeared, then a prosthetic tooth is made and placed.


If you take proper care of dental implants, it can be your permanent solution. If your bone is strong enough and if you follow a regular oral hygiene routine then you shouldn’t be worried about losing dental implants. While, you should also wear a nightguard in case you are grinding your teeth, not consuming ice and getting involved in contact sports can also make the life of your dental implants longer. You should also seek advice from our experts to how to fully take care of your dental implants after getting the treatment.

Dental Implants Types

Single Tooth Implant

Procedure for one teeth replacement and can be implemented on the same day.

Multiple teeth implant

Individual implants for teeth that are not adjacent to one another. Normally this includes 2 or more teeth.

All-on-4 Dental Implant

A procedure in which one full arch teeth is supported by 4 tooth implants. The procedure requires time and has some implementation restoration.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

A process in which full restoration or rebuilding is initiated for your upper and lower jaw.

Denture Over Implants

A customized prosthesis that originated by patient jaw condition. Same day procedure possible depending on your tooth restoration.

Zirconium Dental Implants

A special crown implant procedure that requires special material for the implant base.

Titanium Dental Implants

One of the most frequently used metals for a tooth implant procedure. Convenient for patients that have narrow bone jaw.

Ceramic Dental Implants

No special material or metal is used in this procedure. Gums will recover with natural results over time.

Same day Dental Implant in Dubai

KMC also offers same-day dental implant services in Dubai to replace your missing teeth. This is also called a single day implant because of the nature of assurance and speed in the procedure. This revolutionary procedure allows the patient to enjoy a beautiful smile on the same day. Although there are some procedures and implementation that should be fulfilled first. The procedure depends on the following considerations:

  • Occlusion or bite problems
  • Health, shape, and type of gums
  • Presence of any sort of infection
  • The healing ability of the patient
  • Bone condition

What Are Same Day Dental Implants?

The same day implants are just an expression to get your required services on the same day. There are different considerations that the doctors have to check first. Upon clearance, the doctors start the implementation procedure. This includes a dental implant placed on your jaw to eliminate the need for bone grafts. After this, the dental bridge will be attached to the implant resulting in a more natural and beautiful smile. The same day dental implant procedure is ideal for Rotten teeth, missing teeth, tooth cleaning, and loose dentures.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants which are also called as same day implants, have numerous benefits. Some ofthem are mentioned below:

  • Dental implants boost your appearance
  • Dental implants can improve your self-confidence and your social functioning.
  • It provides you long term solution
  • Dental implants can increase your speech and eating abilities.
  • You also prevent bone loss and gum erosion by getting dental implants
  • You will not get cavities after getting dental implants
  • While, if you are planning to find a dental implants in Dubai, you should look no further. We, here at Kings medical centre assure you about the success and durability of dental implants as we have a team of experts which makes sure that you get the best possible dental implants in Dubai.

Why you should prefer Dental Implants

Dental implants is a dental process which can replace one or even multiple teeth. While, dental implants provide better results than dentures. You don’t get cavities as it is made up of titanium which doesn’t get any cavities like natural teeth, which means that you can have your favourite drink or any food you crave for. Dental implants don’t look artificial and function like your other natural teeth.

Ideal Candidate

There’s not much restrictions regarding who should be getting dental implants. But usually, itis believed that you need to have firm jawbone, which means that the patient must have achieved the skeletal maturity. Although, our experts will assess your jawbone and will determine whether you are an ideal candidate or not.

Cost of Dental Implants

Price of dental implants depends on many factors; it varies individual to individual. Cost of dental implants also depend on the particular patient’s case and how many dental implants are required.

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